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Nevada Ticket Attorney Website

By TLS | December 14, 2007

The Las Vegas attorney website has been doing very well. After revamping the underlying code and cleaning up the various SEO components of the site it continues to rank well for Las Vegas attorney searches on Google - especially when related to the specific areas of law practiced by the firm. I am still working to raise the site’s visibility in more generic search results. It looks as though it is on the right track.

I recently built another site for Sprenz & Associates that specifically addresses the area of traffic ticket law. This Nevada traffic ticket attorney site is called Obviously a great domain name choice. That is a plus. The content is pretty good and does a good job of informing the visitor while providing the necessary keywords throughout the text.

The site shows up well for searches and has already driven at least a half dozen new clients to the law practice. It is so much fun to see the work put into these sites giving results.

Topics: Interactive Marketing, SEO |

One Response to “Nevada Ticket Attorney Website”

  1. bossman Says:
    January 14th, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Sounds like you are an internet genius!